Telecommunication Companies

China Mobile

China Telecom

China Unicom

Telecommunication Companies

The telecommunications industry in China has grown exponentially in recent years. China Mobile is now the largest mobile phone provider in the world with a customer base of more than 269 million people. The company also has a registered capital of 58.2 RMB and investment capital of approximately 400 billion RMB. On this page you will be able to view company profiles for the largest telecommunications providers in China. These profiles will include company histories, customer base, figures on growth and development and future projects and goals.

China Mobile

China Mobile

China Mobile is the world’s biggest mobile provider in the world with more than 269 million costumers (for mobile phones), a registered capital of 52.8 billion RMB Yuan and investment capital of more than 400 billion RMB Yuan. Read more...

China Telecom

China Telecom is the largest fixed service telecommunications provider in the People’s Republic of China. The company provides approximately 62% of China’s internet bandwidth. China Telecom has a subscriber base of over 200 million people and provides voice, data, image, multimedia and telecommunications and information services in twenty municipalities, provinces and autonomous regions in China. China Telecom shares are listed on both the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong and the New York Stock Exchange. On this page you will be able to find information about the history of China Telecom as well as the company's current sales, profits, assests and market value. Read more...

China Unicom

China Unicom is China’s second largest mobile phone and telecommunications provider, second only to China Mobile. The company was established in 1994 to bring competition to a monopoly market dominated by China Mobile Communications. Read more...