Frequent problems when writing Chinese characters
Problem: The characters are correctly displayed on the computer but not printed correctly.
This often happens because the installed printer driver is not up-to-date. The updated printer- drivers are available from the support page of the manufacturer.
Problem: An additional program for Chinese characters is installed but when surfing on the internet characters are not correctly displayed.
As soon as the program is turned off and the internet site is loaded again the characters appear. -That is due to the circumstance that the right code (e.g. GB 2312 or BIG5) is installed and therefore Chinese characters can be displayed correctly. Maybe the program uses a font which is not installed or the installed graphic driver is not updated. Updated versions are available from the support page of the manufacturer.
Problem: Nanji-Star is installed but the script in the menu bar is not displayed - only a mess. -Chinese is put as the standard language for the menu but probably the language support for East Asian languages is not installed.
The problem can be solved by installing the support. An alternative would be the additional installation of NJ-Star CJK- Viewers of Nanji-Star. If you have further problems in connection with Chinese characters feel free to contact us via email.
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