Chinese zodiac Year of the Dragon

Year of the DragonYear of the Dragon 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024

Year of the DragonThe dragon used to be the symbol of the Chinese emperor. The emperors throne was called the "Dragon throne" and according to the Confucian ideal the whole earth should be influenced in a positive way by the shining example of the emperors life. People born in the Year of the Dragon are in good health, bursting with energy, long-living, easy to irritate, impatient and obstinate.

On the other hand they are dependable, honest, brave and beam with self- confidence. They are perfectionist and demand the same from others. They always make an effort to let their positive features show trough but sometimes overdo their role as the shining examples. In life Dragons are strong- minded and successful whatever they do. Among the twelve signs of the zodiac they are considered the most eccentric personages. They are compatible with persons born in the Year of the Rat, the Cock, the Snake or the Monkey.

Next Sign: ... Year of the Snake

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